Performance highlights
ESG performance
![The Global Compact](/images/icons/9.png)
The company joined the UNGD in 2016 and every year confirms its commitment to the principles of sustainable development
Inclusion in the index constituent is reiterated: score at 4.0 (out of 5)
Environmental score and social score – 3, governance score – 4 (where 1 is low risk, and 10 is high risk), ESG rating – “С” medium
ESG score — 61 (out of 100) Average Performer (vs 63 in 2029). ESG risk score — 38.3 (out of 100)
Score – 44 (out of 100) (vs 33 in 2019)
ESG rating – “B”, score – 3.3 (out of 10)
Disclosure to CDP launched in 2020 Climate change score – “D”, Water Security score – “C”
Current status/rating
Target — maintains investment grade credit ratings.
negative ![Moody's](/images/icons/3.png)
stable ![S&P Global](/images/icons/5.png)
stable ![FitchRating](/images/icons/2.png)
stable ![Expert](/images/icons/1.png)